Carl Broker

AI Engineer

Data Scientist

Natural Language Processing Engineer

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About me

➤ AI Engineer for International Business Machines (IBM) designing enterprise business solutions with classic data science and generative AI methods.
➤ 15 years of professional analytics experience.
➤ Volunteer Scuba Diver at Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth Minnesota!

Current focus:
• Technical Project Lead for enterprise businees deals • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Transformers (Huggingface/BERT), Text Embeddings, Transfer Learning: Text/Document Classification, Optical Character Recognition, Cosine Similarity
RAPIDS - Nvidia's GPU accelerated end-to-end data science life cycle.
• Nordic Skiing/Mountain Biking (while code is running of course):

Recent ML-OPS coursework:
• (Completed) Deployment of Machine Learning Models.
• (Currently taking) Deployment of NLP Models with AWS.

Far-future focus:
• Vector Storage
• Deploying the above at the enterprise level

What I Offer


What I Offer

Classically Trained Research Scientist

I use the scientific method in every project I tackle.


Proficient programming skills enabling me to write a script in less than 30min.

Project Management

Experience in multi-year projects and international collaborations.


Focused and driven by an inherent curiosity to ask why.

My projects

Recent projects

Connect with me on Linkedin Look at my stuff on GitHub